
The latest news from the Arts Action Fund.

New Evidence of the Benefits of Arts Education by the Brookings Institution

Empirical evidence supports claims that engaging with art is essential to the human experience: Among adults, arts participation is related to behaviors that contribute to the health of civil society such as increased civic engagement, greater social tolerance, and reductions in other-regarding b

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Looking at Art Could Help Med Students Become Better Doctors

New research shows that looking at artworks can help future doctors hone their observation skills, maintain objectivity, and cope with moments of uncertainty.

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Lobbying Strategy Innovation Award

Americans for the Arts and the Arts Action Fund were today awarded the Lobbying Strategy Innovation Award in recognition of their lobbying innovations for our #SAVEtheNEA campaign.

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2018 Year End Campaign

Arts Advocates Are Arts Voters.

The 2018 midterm election was a win for voter turnout, a win for women and diversity, and a win for the arts and the many critical health, education, and domestic social programs that support our lives, schools, and communities across the

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