Looking at Art Could Help Med Students Become Better Doctors

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New research shows that looking at artworks can help future doctors hone their observation skills, maintain objectivity, and cope with moments of uncertainty.

"The data that was collected from four years of students taking the course suggested much of what the researchers had hypothesized: Students’ capacities for personal reflection, tolerance for ambiguity, and personal bias awareness had all increased. Most significantly, however, was their improvement in reflection—their ability to understand a situation from different points of view, to empathize with another person’s dilemma, and to acknowledge different ways of thinking."

Click here for the full article from Artsy

Herbert Ploberger, Self-Portrait with Opthalmological Models (Selbstbildnis mit Opthamologischen Lehrmodellen), 1928-1930, Oil on canvas, 19 11/16 × 15 3/4 in, 50 × 40 cm