
The latest news from the Arts Action Fund.

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5 1/2 Things That Americans Are Saying About The Arts

One of the nonprofit organizations I support and volunteer with is Americans for the Arts, a national advocacy and membership organization. AFTA has recently published its latest public opinion survey on the arts entitled Americans Speak Out about the Arts.

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Arts Action Fund PAC Supports Lizzie Fletcher of Texas

The Arts Action Fund PAC was proud to support congressional candidate Lizzie Fletcher (D-TX-7). She was recommended by Arts Action Fund member Kathryn McNeil (right), who recently presented the check to the Lizzie at an event.

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The results are in from our second public opinion poll on the arts!

Americans for the Arts has released Americans Speak Out about the Arts in 2018, our national public opinion survey on the arts—and one of the largest ever conducted. This is an update of the study we conducted two years ago. Now, like then, there are some excellent stories . . . 

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