

View our full list of partners.



The Arts Action Fund recognizes that there is power in numbers. The more arts advocates that can be empowered, the more successful our work to advance the arts will be. We are the largest grassroots arts advocacy network in America advancing the arts on both the electoral and legislative landscapes to promote more vibrant and livable communities throughout the country. The Arts Action Fund’s goal is to enlist and mobilize citizen activists that will help ensure that arts-friendly public policies are adopted at the federal, state, and local levels.


Partnering with the Arts Action Fund is an opportunity to stand shoulder to shoulder with a larger network of individuals, institutions, and national service organizations to build one of the most powerful citizen lobbies in the United States. We will urge the President and Congress to support the National Endowment for the Arts and to retain the arts as a core academic subject in elementary and secondary education, thereby promoting creativity and innovation in communities across the country. Together, we can mobilize a true citizen-activist base that ensures our elected leaders will support policies and funding that create opportunities for every American to learn, participate in, enjoy, and benefit from the arts.

Through a strategic partnership, your members become more powerful advocates for the arts and arts education at the federal, state and the local level. Additionally, the partnership becomes a vehicle through which you are able to demonstrate to your members that by aligning with the nation’s foremost arts advocacy organization; you are taking an active leadership position in advancing the arts in the United States.

Partnership brings with it the following advantages:

  • Quarterly partnership updates highlighting major successes, policy threats or opportunities, inspiring partner stories, compelling new research, connections of arts to major news events/other key issues through the Arts Action News publication. This content can be immediately repurposed and placed in your communications vehicles.
  • Visibility on the Arts Action Fund website, including your logo and a link to your website as well as the opportunity to contribute feature advocacy stories from your organization to our blog.
  • Reinforcement of your brand through logo placement or organization name recognition on the quarterly electronic Arts Action News publication, and Arts Action Fund legislative alerts (depending on your membership tier).
  • Webinars that include pre and post-election impact on the arts and more.
  • Congressional Arts Report Card where you will discover voting statistics, facts and the grading scale to help your members make arts-informed voting decisions.
  • Policy briefings on trending issues, including the White House briefing on Arts Advocacy Day.
  • Free advocate level membership to the Arts Action Fund for your grassroots members.
  • Increased capacity and online advocacy tools for your members to be powerful advocates to advance the arts at the national, state, and local levels.Increased advocacy impact on arts funding and arts education issues for your organization through our 100% advocacy-focused 501(c)(4).
  • Enhances your credibility by aligning with the nation’s largest arts advocacy organization with reach to over 420,000 grassroots advocates.


If you are interested in becoming a Partner Organization, please contact:
Arts Action Fund Manager
[email protected]