The results are in from our second public opinion poll on the arts!

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Americans for the Arts has released Americans Speak Out about the Arts in 2018, our national public opinion survey on the arts—and one of the largest ever conducted. This is an update of the study we conducted two years ago. Now, like then, there are some excellent stories . . . 

  • 72 percent of Americans say they attended an arts or cultural event last year (up 4 percent).
  • 69 percent of the adult population believe the arts are a “positive experience in a troubled world.” (We can definitely use more arts in society these days!)
  • 72 percent believe “the arts unify our communities regardless of age, race, and ethnicity” and 73 percent agree that the arts “helps me understand other cultures better”—both figures are up from two years ago.
  • An overwhelming majority of the American public (91 percent) agrees that the arts are part of a well-rounded K-12 education—including 61 percent who “strongly agree” (just a wee 5 percent disagree)!
  • More than half of Americans approve of arts funding by local government (60 percent), state government (58 percent), federal government (54 percent), and by the National Endowment for the Arts (64 percent). And, the majority supports doubling the NEA’s funding.
  • 52 percent of adults say, “Yes, I sing in the shower or when no one else is listening.

You can read and admire the reports, cool infographics, tantalizing press materials, infectious social media, and blog post (Thanks MarCom!) on the new great looking public opinion website