Americans for the Arts CARES Act Update FREE Webinar

Date of News Item

Monday, May 4th at 2:00PM - 3:30PM EST, REGISTER NOW for FREE

Americans for the Arts is hosting a CARES Act Webinar to update you on all of our customized arts resources to help you through this pandemic. In the last few weeks, we have worked hard to progress our advocacy work and we want to give you a one stop webinar to hear about what we've learned and how we can continue to help YOU. 

If you missed it, you can still register for FREE to view the recording!

With billions of dollars newly added to replenish the popular Paycheck Protection Program and the SBA's Emergency Disaster Loans, this ArtsU free webinar on the federal CARES Act will feature the following:

  • Bob Lynch, Americans for the Arts President and CEO will provide an update on the billions of dollars already awarded to the arts and entertainment sector through the first round of CARES Act funding and a roadmap of what's coming next.
  • Nina Ozlu Tunceli, Americans for the Arts Action Fund Executive Director will share local success stories and best practices of artists and arts groups who have already successfully secured CARES Act funding and tips for still applying.
  • Randy Cohen, Americans for the Arts Vice President of Research and Information will share findings from four active surveys that Americans for the Arts is currently conducting on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the arts. 
  • Ruby Lopez Harper, Americans for the Arts Senior Director of Local Arts Advancement will provide a customized walk-through of the newly updated Americans for the Arts Coronavirus Resource and Response Center on the web.

State and Local Arts Panelists Include: 

  • Kendall Hardin, Architect of the ArtSparks Initiative
  • Ethan McSweeny, Artistic Director, American Shakespeare Center
  • Rick Stein, President and CEO, Arts Orange County
  • Doug Zbylut, Executive Director, Nebraskans for the Arts


We sent out an e-blast to all of our members to register! Register HERE