
The latest news from the Arts Action Fund.

Americans for the Arts FY 2023 House Interior Appropriations Testimony

General Nolen Bivens (U.S. Army Ret.), President and CEO Americans for the Arts Testimony for the U.S. House of Representatives

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NEA Funded at $180 million in Omnibus Bill

The Omnibus Bill shows that the NEA will be funded at $180 million. It's a substantial increase, but far lower than the Administration's and House passed $201 million request and surprisingly lower than the $185 million level proposed In the Senate's own draft bill.

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Arts Action News Volume I, 2022

See Our Latest SVOG Update

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Congress In Final Negotiations for Funding and COVID Recovery

Congressional leaders are in the final steps of negotiating an FY 2022 "Omnibus" appropriations bill that would fund the federal government, including federal cultural agencies like the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA).

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