
Year-Round EQUITABLE Advocacy

Advocacy doesn’t happen in a vacuum.

It doesn’t exist only in Washington, D.C. And it isn’t limited to one time of year. Advocacy happens every day, in every community, across this country. And it takes all of us. With this in mind, we are renewing our year-long advocacy program, complete with webinar trainings and D.C.-based Legislative Fly-ins to lobby members of Congress. 

We are excited to continue this new approach with you and hope this overview provides insight into our arts advocacy plan for 2024. Please explore the Advocacy Plan details below by clicking on the different circles as well as reading our FAQs for more information.  


National Training Webinars               Legislative Fly-ins in Washington, D.C.              Lobbying Based on our Policy Priorities


What is Advocacy?​







Strength Through Collective Action​

Ven Diagram with four circles


Key Principles of Advocacy

  1. Identify and learn more about the priorities of your targeted elected officials. ​

  2. Match up your priorities with the elected official's priorities.​

  3. Establish a working relationship will all your elected officials.​

  4. Develop coalitions and partnerships with many groups.​

  5. Gather relevant data and provide real life testimonial stories.​

  6. Be an advocate year-round.​

  7. Engage the media on your issues.​

  8. Engage your social media and tag elected officials.​

  9. Be an influencer in your community.​

  10. Practice your elevator speech.