Watch Tomorrow’s NEA Arts Summit Livestream and Other Online Events

Date of News Item

Watch Tomorrow’s NEA Arts Summit in Washington, D.C. 

On January 30, 2024 (9:00 a.m.-3:45 p.m. ET), the National Endowment for the Arts and the White House Domestic Policy Council will co-host an historic summit in Washington, D.C., entitled “Healing, Bridging, Thriving: A Summit on Arts and Culture in our Communities.” This first-of-its-kind national convening will bring together leaders from across sectors, including government officials; policymakers; artists; arts advocates; academics; philanthropic, labor, and community leaders; and the public. Both Americans for the Arts President and CEO Nolen Bivens and Arts Action Fund Executive Director Nina Ozlu Tunceli will be among the leaders participating in-person at the Summit to represent our members across the country. The Summit will explore how the arts can contribute to health and well-being, animate and strengthen physical spaces, fuel our democracy, and drive equitable outcomes for communities across the country.  

  1. You can watch this webcast live on the NEA’s website at  

  1. Additionally, you can sign up to be a virtual attendee and receive event updates and follow-up. 

  1. An archive of the livestream will also be available on the NEA's YouTube page after the event at

  1. Promotional materials are available in the NEA’s social media toolkit. Please tag @NEAarts @WhiteHouse 

Register for Earmarks Webinar: February 9, 2024 @ 3:00pm 


Register for the Americans for the Arts and the Arts Action Fund Earmarks Webinar on February 9, 2024 at 3:00pm ET. The focus of this webinar will be on guidance for arts organizations to work with their Senate delegation to submit requests for FY’25 funding. This is the second in a series of FREE arts advocacy webinars being presented in 2024.


This webinar will explain:

  • How the Congressionally Directed Spending (a.k.a. Earmarks) process works in the Senate.

  • How local arts leaders work with congressional delegation to propose arts-related projects.

  • Timing of when to submit requests to Senate offices and the corresponding deadlines for Senators to submit their requests to the various appropriations subcommittees.

  • Examples of local arts groups that have received an earmark in the past and their experience in how the process works.

Register Link

Advocacy 101 Webinar Recording

Did you miss our Advocacy 101 webinar on January 23rd? If you did, you can now watch the full recording on our website. ​​​Visit our Advocacy 101 webpage to access all of the presentation slides, tools, and resources discussed during the webinar to share with your networks.

Video of Advocacy 101 Webinar Link

Nina Signature
Nina Ozlu Tunceli
Executive Director

P.S. Please consider contributing to our arts advocacy efforts to preserve and advance funding for the arts in America.

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