Tell Congress to Pass Key Spending Bills Before Their Holiday Break

Date of News Item

Congress is scheduled to work through the weekend to finalize two important funding bills that will help all Americans including arts organizations and artists. Please send two separate customizable messages to Congress before the U.S. House of Representatives adjourns on December 10th and the Senate on December 18th.


Congress needs to pass an FY'21 Omnibus appropriation bill to keep federal government programs running before they expire on December 11th.  Included in the Omnibus bill is funding for the federal cultural agencies that grant funds for the arts (NEA), humanities (NEH), museums and libraries (IMLS), public broadcasting (CPB), and the Smithsonian. Because the House version includes higher funding levels than the Senate version (i.e. House set a $7.75 million higher funding level for the NEA), we need you to contact your Members of Congress to support the higher House funding levels for the arts.



With financial losses to nonprofit arts and cultural organizations now at an estimated $14.6 billion, and 63% of artists and creative workers reporting no employment - this pandemic has been devastating for the creative sector. A renewed federal response is needed. This week, a bipartisan group of Senators and Representatives, part of the Problem Solvers Caucus, have put forward a $908 billion economic relief package that would extend unemployment benefits and include a second round of PPP as well as special funding to save our performing arts stages and venues. While the total amount is less than what’s needed, it’s a “down payment” as President-Elect Joe Biden and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi stated. Please send a second message urging your Members of Congress to pass another COVID-19 economic relief bill that will help the arts and creative sector.​​​​​​     ​


As 2020 comes to a close, many of you have requested additional guidance on filing PPP Loan Forgiveness Forms and what the Income Tax Implications will be to organizations and individuals receiving CARES Act grants, loans, and unemployment compensation. Sarah Mercer, shareholder partner with our pro bono law firm of Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, will join me once again on Friday, December 18th at 1:30pm ET to present a free webinar covering all of these topics.  Additionally, if a new COVID-19 bill is passed by then, we’ll also cover highlights of those new programs. Be sure to be among the first 1,000 participants to register for free through our ArtsU portal. In preparation, you can start sharing your burning questions with me during my weekly Zoom Office Hours with Nina on Friday, December 4th, 11th, or 18that 11:00am ET. This will help ensure that we research the answers to your specific questions at the official webinar on December 18th at 1:30pm ET.

PPP Forgiveness Options and Income Tax Implications Webinar