A Personal Message From Ben Folds

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Today, this message went out to our dedicated Arts Action Fund members from ArtsVote Chairman and Board Member, Ben Folds:

Dear Arts Action Fund Member,

I’m writing to ask you for a favor. Join me through our ArtsVote 2020 initiative to be part of a powerful echo chamber that cuts through the noise this election season by contributing to the 2019 Year-End Giving Campaign.

Through my extensive touring as a musician for nearly three decades, I’ve had the good fortune to meet people from all walks of life. People who share a common love of music, but who may have diverse political views and have different socio-economic backgrounds.  Despite their differences, most share a common desire to live a life rich with opportunity and promise, which the arts can offer.

In my capacity as Chairman of the Arts Action Fund’s ArtsVote 2020 campaign, I’d like all candidates for public office to be held accountable in support of the arts, from incorporating arts education in Pre-K through 12 programs, both in-school and after-school. Our elected officials should recognize artists, entrepreneurs and nonprofit arts organizations as valued small business contributors. In fact, we should create an Artists Corps that engages artists across the country in national service.

In order to make a real difference this election cycle, we need to amplify our message in support of the arts. Working together, our collective voices can be heard. Please consider contributing to our 2019 Year-End campaign in support of our ArtsVote 2020 initiative. Let’s make the issues that matter to us be heard!

Best wishes for the holidays,

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 Ben Folds, ArtsVote Chairman