NEA American Rescue Plan Subgrants to Local Arts Agencies Webinar 06/29/2021

Date of News Item

The Rescue Plan’s Grants to Local Arts Agencies for Subgranting program recognizes the central role that local arts agencies play in supporting artists, enhancing the quality of life in their communities, and increasing public access to the arts. Local arts agencies are valued partners of the Arts Endowment, greatly extending our reach and impact to assist communities responding to the economic and health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Join us for an information session with staff from the National Endowment for the Arts, hosted by Nina Ozlu Tunceli. This session is intended for local arts agencies. We will be hosting another session on July 6th for other types of organizations. Register here.


If you are an organization that has not previously applied for a federal grant and plan to apply for an Arts Endowment grant, you must first obtain a DUNS number and register at and