National Voter Registration Day September 20, 2022

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National Voter Registration Day is TOMORROW, September 20th! The Arts Action Fund wants your help in lifting up this important day. September 20th is the kick-off date to get as many citizens as possible to register to vote and/or update their voter registration before each state's unique election deadlines, leading up to the November 8th General Election. Thousands of organizations across the country, including the Arts Action Fund, have partnered with National Voter Registration Day to encourage citizens to register to vote EARLY this year. For our part, the Arts Action Fund is using the strength of its ArtsVote: Make Your Vote Count campaign to support this campaign. 


Want to be an ArtsVote Champion on September 20th? Take action by downloading the tools and resources the Arts Action Fund has made just for you.

Download Your ArtsVote State Voter Factsheet

Curated for all 50 states, the Arts Action Fund’s State Voter Factsheets are a one-stop fully detailed guide to voting in each state. Voting is broken down into 4 easy steps to ensure that YOU have all the information to make your vote count this election year. Find your state’s voter factsheet and start with the first step and register or update your voter registration EARLY tomorrow!

Share Infographics on Social Media of Your State’s Voter Deadlines

To accompany each state’s voter factsheet, the Arts Action Fund has also designed social media toolkits to emphasize important voting deadlines in each state. Whether it be the last day to register to vote or the deadline to request an absentee ballot, these social media toolkits are the perfect tool to encourage voters in your state to take the steps they need to vote EARLY!

​​ArtsVote Store

With the beautiful ArtsVote artwork donated to the Arts Action Fund by Shepard Fairey, we have created a bilingual store where you can buy all things ArtsVote! Show your ArtsVote spirit and help raise awareness to get out the vote. 

With every purchase you make in the ArtsVote Store, 10% of the funds goes directly to the Arts Action Fund! 


Nina Ozlu Tunceli
Executive Director