Museum Association Article Quotes Executive Director Nina Ozlu Tunceli

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The Museum Association quoted our Executive Director Nina Ozlu Tunceli in one of their recent articles. Read the full article here

In a statement congratulating the Democratic Party’s win in the 2020 election over incumbent president Donald Trump, advocacy group Americans for the Arts described Biden as “a strong supporter of the arts” and expressed optimism about vice-president elect Kamala Harris’s “long history of personal engagement with cultural institutions”.

Nina Ozlu Tunceli, the executive director of Americans for the Arts Action Fund, said: “We have great hope for a pro-arts administration. As federal efforts are considered to rebuild the nation's economy, we urge targeted federal policies to tap creative workers, nonprofit arts and cultural organisations, and arts-related businesses and minority-run organisations to be featured in any infrastructure, workforce development, economic, and education efforts.”
