Tweet the Arts During the Republican Debate

Date of News Item

We need your help to get the attention of CNBC’s Carl Quintanilla (@carlquintanilla), Becky Quick (@BeckyQuick) and John Harwood (@JohnJHarwood), the moderators of next week’s Republican debates, as well as the attention of the candidates!
The debate is named “Your Money, Your Vote,” focusing on the issues which will directly impact the money of American citizens such as job growth, taxes, technology, retirement and the health of our national economy. The early debate will begin at 6pm ET and the main debate will begin at 8pm ET.
Listed below are the
Presidential candidate Twitter handles for each of the debates and sample tweets that you can use before and during the debates to let the candidates know that voters want the arts included in the national debate. Please include the Twitter handles for specific candidates when they are discussing the various topics.


Presidential Candidate Twitter Handles:

Sample Tweets

Before the Debate:


 Voters want to know how YOU will invest in art- a $699 billion industry! Info: #ArtsVote2016 #CNBCgopDebate @(Tag Candidate Here)


 It is National Arts & Humanities Month! Voters want to know if YOU will support @NEAarts & @NEHgov. #CNBCgopDebate #ArtsVote2016 @(Tag Candidate Here)


 Voters want to know how YOU will invest in nonprofit arts which generate $135 billion in economic activity! #CNBCgopDebate #ArtsVote2016 @(Tag Candidate Here)


 Include art in healthcare programs to decrease costs! More info: #CNBCgopDebate #ArtsVote2016 @(Tag Candidate Here)


 .@JebBush- You recently said "arts makes students better." Hope you can discuss your plans for arts in #CNBCgopDebate! #ArtsVote2016


 .@RealBenCarson- Would you protect charitable tax deduction that keeps nonprofits afloat in your new tax code? #CNBCgopDebate #ArtsVote2016


 .@RealDonaldTrump- Do you think more businesses should form philanthropic partnerships with art sectors? #CNBCgopDebate #ArtsVote2016


 .@MarcoRubio- Arts is $135B industry in FL. How would you tap into economic potential of arts as President? #CNBCgopDebate #ArtsVote2016


 .@CarlyFiorina- You've verbally supported arts numerous times. How would you promote #ArtsEd as president? #CNBCgopDebate #ArtsVote2016

During the Debate:
If candidates discuss the economy…

 Arts is a $699 billion industry. That's more than agriculture or tourism! More info: #CNBCgopDebate #ArtsVote2016


 Nonprofit arts alone generate $135 billion in economic activity annually! Info: #CNBCgopDebate #ArtsVote2016



If candidates discuss jobs/job creation…

 Nonprofit arts support 4.1 million full-time jobs! Arts = Jobs. More info: #CNBCgopDebate #ArtsVote2016


 Arts & culture sector supported 4.7 million full-time jobs in 2012! Arts = Jobs. Info: #CNBCgopDebate #ArtsVote2016


 Creativity is 1 of 3 top traits important to career success. Info: #CNBCgopDebate #ArtsVote2016



If candidates discuss health/medical fields…

 Arts used w/healthcare can help reduce lengths of hospital stays! Info: #CNBCgopDebate #ArtsVote2016


 Economic benefits of arts in healthcare include more savings for patients, insurance providers & government! #CNBCgopDebate #ArtsVote2016



If candidates discuss military/veterans...

 Art therapy can decrease depression & ease transition for veterans coming home. Arts + Military #CNBCgopDebate #ArtsVote2016



If candidates discuss education…

 Arts education lowers student dropout rates! Invest in #ArtsEd! #CNBCgopDebate #ArtsVote2016


 Arts education increases overall student academic performance! Invest in #ArtsEd! #CNBCgopDebate #ArtsVote2016


 Creativity is 1 of 3 top traits important to career success. Info: #CNBCgopDebate #ArtsVote2016