Sign the National Petition to Keep the Arts Alive in Education Reform

Date of News Item

Our petition to protect the arts in the Elementary and Secondary Education Act is gaining steam, but we still have some work to do to reach our goal of 10,000 signatures. We hope to send this petition along to President Obama and Congress at the conclusion of the Senate's recess period, which ends on April 10th. Will you help us reach our goal by signing here and sharing this post with 5 friends?

Here are the specific actions we hope you'll help us promote:

  1. Retain the arts in the 'core academic subject' definition.
  2. Retain arts education as an eligible use of Title I funds - the largest portion of federal assistance for disadvantaged students.
  3. Include specific new language to include arts educators as eligible for Title II professional development support.
  4. Include arts education as a priority in any proposed local competitive grant program.
  5. Retain the federal Arts in Education program, which has supported over 200 model grant programs over the last decade.
  6. Retain the 21st Century Community Learning Center after-school program, which supports arts education.