Shaping the Fate of the Arts

Date of News Item

While some in the House of Representatives have proposed deep cuts or even total elimination of the National Endowment for the Arts, the list below are Republican House Members with a great record of support for the arts in the past.  We’re going to need all of them to vote AGAINST any floor amendments to further cut funding for the arts.  Please express how important the arts are to you, your state, and the country. Let the tweeting begin.

   Download this fact sheet of helpful talking points.

Robert B. Aderholt
Rodney Alexander
Judy Biggert
Brian P. Bilbray
Mary Bono Mack 
Vern  Buchanan
Shelley Moore Capito
Charles W. Dent
Jo Ann Emerson 
Jeff Fortenberry  
Rodney P. Frelinghuysen 
Jim Gerlach
Timothy V. Johnson 
Steven C. LaTourette
Jerry Lewis
Frank A. LoBiondo 
Frank D. Lucas 
Thaddeus G. McCotter 
Tim Murphy
Todd Russell Platts 
Dennis R. Rehberg  
David G. Reichert 
Mike Rogers
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
John Shimkus
Michael K. Simpson
Christopher H. Smith
Lamar S. Smith  
Patrick J. Tiberi 
Michael R. Turner 
Fred Upton
Greg Walden
Ed Whitfield
Frank R. Wolf