NEA Funding Threatened

Date of News Item

On Thursday, July 7th the U.S. House of Representatives appropriations subcommittee began the funding cycle for Fiscal Year 2012 by approving legislation to fund the NEA at $135.2 million, which is a reduction of $20 million from the current year.  This proposed cut to the NEA is 13 percent below the current funding level, while overall funding in the bill, which includes agencies like the EPA, Interior Department and the U.S. Forest Service, is reduced by only 7 percent. If enacted, it would have been the deepest cut to the NEA in 16 years. On Tuesday, July 12th, at 10:30am the bill will undergo consideration.

Budget considerations have been contentious throughout this year.    As Americans for the Arts previously stated, the arts community recognizes the shared sacrifice being asked of all federal agencies to help reduce our national debt and it is willing to do its part.  However, this budget proposal represents a disproportionate cut to the arts, and appears counter-productive to the stated objectives of growing American jobs.

The arts sector has proven to be resilient as a growth industry and a strong contributor to the economy. As philanthropic dollars are dwindling, NEA dollars serve as a critical anchor for state and local budgets. This drastic reduction does not take into account the incredible return on investment arts funding generates to federal, state and local treasuries.
The legislation could be sent to the full House Floor for a vote before the August recess begins.  A message from you now registering your concerns with your member of Congress would be well-timed to arrive prior to the final steps in the appropriations process.

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