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Welcome to Americans for the Arts Action Fund’s ArtsVote2014, our mission is to:


Secure bold new policy proposals in support of the arts and arts education in America from candidates during the 2014 campaign cycle.


ArtsVote is a national initiative geared towards ensuring that the arts impact federal elections.  Here, you will find the latest Legislative News impacting the arts.  The Arts Action Fund seeks to identify, educate, train, and mobilize likely arts voters to help influence candidates to take strong positions for the arts. 

Ask federal candidates the right questions:   

  1. What kinds of federal initiatives would you develop in order to support public/private partnerships to help cities and states expand creative economies and create new jobs - from music, arts, and architecture to computer software, games, and film?
  2. What specific federal education policies would you promote to ensure our children receive a well-rounded education with comprehensive arts education in their local schools?


Do you wonder how your representatives vote when it comes to support of the Arts?  Take a look at their scores with our 2010 Congressional Arts Report Card and find out who the pro-arts representatives are.  Also, check out our 2011 post-election impact analysis.

This page is designed to provide relevant information to advocates and campaign staff who are working on arts and arts education issues.  The site will be updated regularly with comprehensive and timely information, ranging from suggested arts-related proposals to economic data and ArtsVote events and activities.