Jay Dick, Senior Director of State and Local Government Affairs, Quoted in Marketplace Morning Report Article and Podcast

Date of News Item

Jay Dick HeadshotJay Dick, Americans for the Arts Senior Director of State and Local Government Affairs, was interviewed on Marketplace Morning report to talk about the arts sector and was quoted in an article on their website. 

"...Close to $200 million has been spent downtown — about half from the college.

Jay Dick with the advocacy group Americans for the Arts said other cities have pulled off similar bets, like The Center for the Performing Arts in Carmel, Indiana. Dick’s data found when $5 billion went into the arts nationally, $27 billion came out.

“If that was a an IPO on wall street, I’d buy as much of that art stock as possible,” he said. “That’s a great return on investment.”

But some Waterville residents worry about priorities..."


Read the full article and listen to the Marketplace Morning Report podcast on their website