The Iowa Arts Forum Recap!

Body We wanted to share with you some of our ArtsVote 2020 strategic campaign efforts to bring arts policy issues that you care about to the forefront of presidential campaigns. Our strategy starts with Arts Action Fund members, just like you.

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We wanted to share with you some of our ArtsVote 2020 strategic campaign efforts to bring arts policy issues that you care about to the forefront of presidential campaigns. Our strategy starts with Arts Action Fund members, just like you. By contributing to the ArtsVote 2020 campaign, you are ensuring that important arts policy issues are heard by both presidential candidates and voters alike.Iowa Ad

For instance, just when all the presidential candidates were flocking to Des Moines for the opening day of the Iowa State Fair, the Arts Action Fund placed this full-page ad in the state’s largest newspaper to grab everyone’s attention.

We (also) partnered with key state and local arts groups to present the Iowa Arts Forum to train advocates, like yourself, on how to ask pointed arts policy questions to presidential candidates. Why is this important? Because these candidates are now laser-focused on voters in Iowa, the first-in-the-nation caucus state, and New Hampshire, the first-in-the-nation primary state, to whittle down presidential candidates. That’s why we need our arts friends in these two states to ask the questions on behalf of all of us!

You can watch how ArtsVote 2020 Chair and acclaimed musician Ben Folds asked key arts policy questions to presidential candidates in Iowa.

Will you be next to ask an arts question to a candidate when they are in your state?  Start preparing now with these tools:Bob, Moulton, Ben

We’re grateful to so many of you who have already contributed to the ArtsVote 2020 campaign to advance these activities.  Now we need additional financial help to continue our advocacy efforts in battleground states, including Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Florida.

Contribute now and become an ArtsVote Champion!