Elections are Around the Corner... Please Support the Arts Action Fund's Year-End Campaign

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Contribute to our Year-End Campagin!


ArtsVote circle design, hand holding up a red rose.Contribute to the Arts Action Fund’s Year-End Campaign to help us gear up for the 2024 election year!

As you know, 2024 is an important Presidential and Congressional election year. Just around the corner are the first primaries happening in Iowa and New Hampshire in January, then South Carolina, Nevada, and Michigan in February, and Super Tuesday on March 5. 

The Arts Action Fund will be putting its full energy into making sure your vote COUNTS this election year and that you are informed at the ballot box. In 2024 we will:​​​​​

  • Research voting rules and regulation for all 50 states and 6 territories to create customized state voter factsheets.

  • Create a detailed 2024 Congressional Arts Report Card, showcasing which congressional candidates on your ballot support the arts.

  • Provide you with up-to-date election news and information during our Arts Insider Political Briefings from our Washington lobbyists.

  • Collect Federal Candidate Arts Surveys to showcase how open seat candidates and challengers would support the arts in America.

  • Fight for artists and arts organizations like you on Capitol Hill and be sure your voices are heard.

It is our goal in 2024 to make sure YOU are the most informed pro-arts voter at the ballot box, exercising your full right to vote for the candidates who cares about the arts policies that matter most to you.

Will you support our efforts to have a pro-arts Congress and a pro-arts White House?

Have an enjoyable, safe and joyful holiday season!

Nancy Stephens Signature
Nancy Stephens
Americans for the Arts Action Fund

(R-L) Nancy Stephens with Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN)

Lyndon Boozer Signature
Lyndon Boozer
Americans for the Arts Action Fund PAC

(R-L) Lyndon Boozer with House Democratic Leader Rep. Hakeem Jeffries









P.S. Here is the official full-length Arts Action Fund 2023 Year-End letter.