Earmarks Update with Important Deadlines

Date of News Item

The House and Senate both released their guidelines and deadlines for Fiscal Year 2025 earmarks. Just several hours ago, the House Committee revised their deadlines for House earmarks (also known as Congressionally Directed Project Funding). Earmark requests for the Agriculture; Energy and Water; Homeland Security; and Military Construction-Veterans Affairs Subcommittees are due by 11:59 p.m. on May 3rd. Earmark requests for the Commerce, Justice, Science; Interior and the Environment; and Transportation-Housing Subcommittees will now be due by 11:59 p.m. on May 10th.

For Fiscal year 2025, nonprofit organizations are ineligible for grant funding under the Department of Housing and Urban Development's Economic Development Initiative program. In FY24, this account provided the largest single source of all earmarks in fiscal 2024 at nearly $3.3 billion. This further diminishes the opportunity for earmarks on the House side, which has already eliminated Labor-HHS-Education earmarks. We are also told by House Members that the “silent” ban on arts projects continues.  

With these disparaging limits on the House side, arts advocates interested in applying for an earmark should focus on the Senate side which will allow earmarking of the Labor-HHS-Education bill, and will continue to allow funding for EDI earmarks for nonprofits in the Transportation-HUD measure for fiscal 2025. Each Senate Appropriations Subcommittee has different deadlines, the earliest coming on May 8th.  

If you are looking to secure an earmark, please look through the resources below: 

Senate Earmark Guidelines

House Earmark Guidelines

Americans for the Arts and Arts Action Fund Earmark Resources

If your organization is looking to submit an earmark request, we urge you to submit them in the next week and not wait until the deadline as we want to make sure you get them submitted and accepted.   

Warm Regards,

Americans for the Arts & Arts Action Fund