Dr. Maria Rosario Jackson Confirmed as Chair of the National Endowment for the Arts

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Washington, DC—The U.S. Senate today voted to confirm Dr. Maria Rosario Jackson as the 13th chair of the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA). Dr. Jackson issued the following statement upon confirmation:

I am honored to be confirmed by the U.S. Senate to serve as chair of the National Endowment for the Arts and excited to build on the arts endowment’s strong work to serve all communities across our nation through the power of the arts.

Thank you to President Biden for this once in a lifetime opportunity, and to Committee Chair Patty Murray, Ranking Member Richard Burr, Senators, and staff of the Senate, for their guidance in the nomination process. I will lead the NEA with dedication to inclusivity, collaboration, and with the recognition that art, culture, and creativity are core to us reaching our full potential as a nation. 

My commitment to the arts began at home. My father, who retired from the U.S. Postal Service, and my mother, who worked for Los Angeles Unified School District, looked to the arts to teach my brother and me about the richness of our cultures. They wanted us to be proud of our origins and curious about the histories, struggles, and aspirations of other people, aware of our similarities, our differences, and our shared humanity. I have brought those same values to the work I have done throughout my career as a professor, researcher, board member, advisor, and administrator committed to understanding and advancing how arts and culture help build healthy, opportunity-rich communities. 

The work of the NEA and the need for arts and creativity are more important now than ever. In addition to serving as an economic engine, arts and creativity are core to what it takes to heal our nation, our communities, and ourselves. The historic American Rescue Plan investment in the arts, together with the longstanding work of the NEA, is an enormous responsibility and opportunity. The NEA plays a crucial role in helping to provide funds and other resources needed for the sector to recover, retool, and reopen. The agency also has the opportunity and responsibility to deepen and expand its already purposeful efforts to reach communities who have been traditionally underserved.

In my term as NEA chair, I look forward to working with Congress, state and local arts leaders, and fellow members of the National Council on the Arts. I look forward to working with arts communities and people in intersecting fields such as community development and public health across our nation to ensure access to the resources and experiences all Americans need to live healthy, robust, meaningful, and creative lives.


“Dr. Maria Rosario Jackson’s deep understanding of the role that arts and culture play throughout our communities gives her great insight to navigate these challenging times,” said NEA Acting Chair Ann Eilers, who has been serving in the role since January 2021. “As a longtime member of the National Council on the Arts, her knowledge of the agency will guide a smooth transition into her new role as chair of the National Endowment for the Arts. On behalf of the entire NEA staff, I look forward to welcoming Dr. Jackson as our new chair.”

“With the confirmation of Maria Rosario Jackson as the chair of the National Endowment for the Arts, the nation will be made more beautiful and its creative spirt more empowered,” said Michael Crow, President of Arizona State University, where Dr. Jackson is a professor at the Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts. “Art is our reflection of who we are and who we want to be and Dr. Jackson will lead us all to find and express that beauty and to enhance and broaden that creative spirit.”

In addition, Ismael Ahmed of Farmington Hill, Michigan, and Huascar Medina of Lawrence, Kansas, were confirmed to serve as members of the National Council on the Arts.