Congress to Vote on Arts Funding Bill This Week

Date of News Item

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Today, July 19th, 2022, the U.S. House of Representatives will begin floor consideration of the FY’23 Interior Appropriations bill, which specifically includes annual funding for the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), among other cultural agencies such as the Smithsonian Institution. The bill will then proceed to the Senate, after House consideration. Please take two minutes now to contact your Congressional delegation.

The current bill allocates an all-time high funding level of $207 million each for the NEA and NEH. Unfortunately, we are expecting some weakening amendments to be offered by Congressman Glenn Grothman (R-WI-06) that would drastically cut this funding to the NEA, NEH, by more than 25%, as well as cut Smithsonian funding by over $300 million.

As important grassroots constituents, we need your help to send a message to your Representatives today to support full funding for the NEA and NEH at $207 million each, as recommended by the House Appropriations Committee. Please also urge them to vote NO on any weakening amendments, like the ones being introduced by Rep. Grothman, that would drastically reduce the budgets of our nation’s federal cultural agencies, who distribute critical funds to every state and community across the country. You will also be able to direct a message to your Senators to support the House recommended level for increased funding for the NEA and NEH. 

Contact your members of Congress today and make your voice heard about how vital the arts are to your state and our country!