Cast Your 2024 Arts Policy Vote

Date of News Item

This year is a very important election year and before you vote on the candidates of your choice, we want YOU to first vote on the Arts Action Fund's legislative policy agenda for 2024. 

As a member of the Arts Action Fund, you have the opportunity to cast your 2024 Arts Policy Vote. This vote will directly influence how the Arts Action Fund will use its time and resources to advocate for federal policies to support the arts and artists across the country. Your vote matters!

​Please review our 2024 Arts Policy platform below and cast your vote on these four positions by Sunday, March 31, 2024

1. Continue the path to increase funding for the NEA and NEH by indexing them each to $1 per person, currently funded at only 62 cents per person. 2. Promote federal legislation that advances more equitable arts education policies, programs, and funding opportunities. 3. Expand arts policy and funding opportunities within other federal agencies, such as Department of Labor, Small Business Administration, Defense, and Veterans Affairs. 4. Work with The President’s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities to advise on economic and domestic arts policy issues.

​​​​​​Thank you for your commitment to the Arts Action Fund. We look forward to advocating for the arts with you in 2024!