Bureau of Economic Analysis Arts & Culture GDP Data and Arts Insider Political Briefing

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New National and State GDP Data for Arts & Culture Sector Released
On March 25, 2024, the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) released the latest Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and jobs data for the Arts and Cultural Production Satellite Account (ACPSA). Please note that the data measures 2022 economic activity, which shows how industries were recovering post COVID-19 pandemic. Nationally, GDP for the arts and culture nonprofit and commercial sector now tops $1.102 trillion with over 5.2 million jobs! Additionally, America's arts and culture exports increased the trade surplus from $15.5 billion to $21 billion. The arts and culture sector represents a full 4.31% of the nation's GDP. Customized GDP information for each state’s arts and culture sector is also now available.

According to the National Endowment for the Arts, "The overall arts economy grew by 4.8% in inflation-adjusted dollars between 2021 and 2022, a rate increase far surpassing that for the entire U.S. economy during the same time period. Since the pre-pandemic year of 2019, arts and cultural industries have surged by 13.6%. By contrast, the U.S. economy grew by 5.5% over the same period... In 2022, total arts and cultural employment recovered to pre-pandemic levels, with nearly 5.2 million workers employed to produce arts and cultural goods and services, for $540.9 billion in total compensation. (Note: ACPSA does not count self-employed artists and other cultural workers in its employment figures.)"

Feel free to share this graphic below on your website and social media platforms. Coming soon: the Arts Action Fund will release its updated 2024 Why the Arts Matter State Arts Factsheets, featuring this new BEA data. 

  BEA Data for National

Upcoming Event: Arts Insider Political Member Briefing April 4th @ 3pm ET
Join us on Zoom for our next Arts Insider Political Briefing on Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 3:00pm ET. This quarter's discussion will include David Reid, Senior Policy Director at Brownstein, and Nina Ozlu Tunceli, Executive Director of the Arts Action Fund. RSVP here to receive the event Zoom link next week.