Arts Action Alert 2/9/21

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February 9, 2021

Dear Arts Action Fund Members,

This week, Congress and the Biden-Harris Administration are crafting major COVID-19 federal assistance legislation, including the extension of pandemic unemployment, new direct stimulus checks, additional PPP funds, SVO grants, and Targeted EIDL AdvancesNow is the time for you, as an arts advocate, to weigh in with your members of Congress to ask for more economic relief for the arts!

The unexpected loss of revenue and employment from the pandemic are disproportionately damaging arts organizations and individual livelihoods. In order for artists and audiences to gather together safely again, many key forms of federal support are essential. 

Americans for the Arts and the Arts Action Fund have joined a coalition of national arts service organizations that have developed a thoughtful and unified statement of our COVID-19 Requests, urging legislators to fund specific economic relief programs for the arts, ranging from SBA and NEA funding to health care coverage and education. We know the arts will unify our country and we need to support artists and arts groups to survive this pandemic.

We have set up an easy way to make your voice heard with your members of Congress as they make these policy decisions starting this weekTake two minutes now to be an advocate!

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Nina Ozlu Tunceli
Executive Director

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To read all Arts Action Fund updates, visit COVID-19 Arts Federal Policy Updates & Action Alerts