The Art Newspaper Uses Quotes from Robert L Lynch and Nina Ozlu Tunceli

Date of News Item

Read the full article "Art world rejoices in Biden’s win of US presidency" in The Art Newspaper written by Helen Stoilas, Nancy Kenney, and Vincent Noce. 


"What comes next

“The election was a triumph for our nation and for its progress towards democracy, racial justice, and equity,” says Robert Lynch, the president and CEO of the lobbying group Americans for the Arts. “President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris bring a commitment to get creative workers working again. Our nation needs to capitalize on the abundance of under-employed yet talented creative and racially underrepresented workers in America to aid in the recovery, to unify, and to heal our nation’s communities and economy.”

Nina Ozlu Tunceli, the executive director of Americans for the Arts Action Fund, adds that there is “great hope for a pro-arts administration” with Biden and Harris, and as the new government takes shape, she says her organization will look “to ensure the arts are central to Covid-19 relief, jobs, and infrastructure packages during the administration’s critical first 100 days of office”."
