Advocacy 101 Webinar

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We all want more support for the arts and culture from our federal, state and local government officials, but how do you go about achieving these goals? Our Advocating for the Arts in 2024 webinar on Tuesday, January 23, 2024 @ 3:00pm - 4:15pm ET, was the first of a series of 2024 advocacy webinars to learn from national, state and local advocacy experts about effective tips and strategies in educating your elected officials on why they should enact pro arts policies. The webinar covered the building blocks of starting meaningful relationships with key decision makers to hearing advocacy success stories and how they were achieved. Speakers included U.S. Congressional Staff, Americans for the Arts’ Federal Advocacy Captains, Americans for the Arts and Arts Action Fund Professional Staff. Use these tools that you learn not only for federal advocacy, but locally with your mayor, city council, school board or state legislatures.

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