Recorded Webinar of Tapping ARP State and Local Block Grants for the Arts

Date of News Item

You can watch the full recording of the webinar below. 


Last week, the U.S. Department of Treasury released guidelines to state and local governments on how to use an unprecedented $350 billion in federal funds to help turn the tide on the pandemic, address its economic fallout, and lay the foundation for a strong and equitable recovery. This webinar helped demonstrate how the arts and culture fit into these guidelines and included examples of governments already committing funds to support the arts and culture. We are pleased that the panel explored both perspectives, not only from the arts side, but also from the city/county/state government side. 

Speakers included:

  • Beth Kellar, Director Of Public Policy and Deputy Executive Director at ICMA, the City/County Management Association; Washington, DC
  • Alecia Kintner, President & CEO at ArtsWave, Cincinnati, OH
  • Jenni Petersen-Brant, Arts & Cultural Affairs Coordinator; City of Dubuque, IA
  • Jeff Hawthorn, Board Member, Cultural Advocacy Coalition of Oregon and City Arts Program Manager, Portland, OR
  • Joe Smoke, Director of Grant Programs, City of Los Angeles Dept. of Cultural Affairs, Los Angeles, CA
  • Nate McGaha, Executive Director, Arts North Carolina; Raleigh, NC
  • Kathleen Spehar, Executive Director, Council on Culture & Arts, Tallahassee, FL
  • Moderator, Jay Dick, Senior Director of State and Local Government Affairs, Americans for the Arts, Washington, DC
  • Q&A Facilitator, Nina Ozlu Tunceli, Executive Director, Arts Action Fund, Washington, DC

General ARP Block Grant Resources:

Presentation Slides:


American Rescue Plan State & Local Block Grant Arts Tracker with Examples:

Help us document your success and inspire other arts organizations by example! If you are working with your state or local city, county, or tribe governments to secure ARP block grants for economic relief and recovery for the arts, please take a few minutes to fill out the Americans for the Arts Tracker Google Form, so we can share your examples.

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