Adopting the Universal Charitable Tax Deduction

Date of News Item

Check out this extremely relevant article in the Urban Institute-Brookings Institute joint Tax Policy Center about the lack of candidate discussion around tax incentives for charitable giving! The Arts Action Fund actively lobbies Congress and Presidential Candidates on adopting the Universal Charitable Tax Deduction as part of our #ArtsPlatform! Keep asking Presidential Candidates this question and more like it by using our "Questions to Ask" Pocket card




"Policymakers could correct this by allowing people to deduct at least some of their charitable gifts of sufficient size, even if the taxpayer doesn’t itemize. This approach could help support the communities and people served by non-profits. It also could help the nonprofit sector, which employs 12.3 million people and spends $1 trillion annually on goods and services. It might even help level our economic and political playing field."