President Biden Proposes $211 million each for NEA and NEH for FY2024

Date of News Item

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Thanks to arts advocates across the country, the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) received an all-time high of $207 million for the current 2023 fiscal year. Now marks the beginning of the FY2024 appropriations process. The President has requested a budget increase for both the NEA and NEH to $211 million* each for FY2024.  

​​​​Americans for the Arts and Arts Action Fund Press Statement
​​While a modest increase, Americans for the Arts and the Arts Action Fund support the President’s funding request as it moves in the right direction. We urge you to contact your Members of Congress to minimally support the $211 million funding request in the FY2024 appropriations process. See our press statement.

Take Action Now
Now is the time to contact your Members of Congress to at least match the President’s request by appropriating this increased funding for the NEA and NEH. Please urge your Members of Congress to support a budget of at least $211 million each for the NEA and NEH. Contact your Member of Congress today and make your voice heard about how vital the arts are to your community, state, and our country!   

Register for our Advocacy 101 Webinar 
Please sign up for our second in a series of free Arts Advocacy Training webinars this year. Our Advocacy 101 Training Webinar will be held on Wednesday, March 29th at 3:00 p.m. ET. Here's what you'll learn:

  • Identify members of your Congressional delegation, especially after redistricting occurred in so many states
  • Learn our arts policy priorities for 2023 based on recent survey results
  • Understand policy jurisdictions of Congressional committees
  • Take effective action in the next 30 days

Next Monthly Office Hours with Nina
Reminder that the next monthly Zoom Office Hours with Nina will be on Friday, April 14, 2023 at 11:00am ET. To see all future dates, visit our website.

Nina Ozlu Tunceli
Executive Director

*For more about the Biden Administration budget, visit the White House Budget webpage and download the OMB Budget Authority Excel spreadsheet.