C. Kendric Fergeson

Headshot of C. Kendric Fergeson

Ken Fergeson has been a major contributor to the banking industry and playing key roles in his community and state as the chairman and CEO of NBC Oklahoma.  He has chaired a number of boards and councils at local, state and national levels in both the banking arena and in his personal area of interest of supporting and promoting the arts. He is a past chairman of the American Bankers Association.  He has chaired the Oklahoma Bankers Association, Oklahoma State Chamber and Creative Oklahoma, Inc.  He also serves on the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority, the Native American Cultural and Educational Authority Board and the Associate Board of Directors of the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum. Mr. Fergeson continues to be a presence for arts education and is on the boards of various arts associations, including the Oklahoma Arts Institute and the Mid-America Arts Alliance served as the chair of the Board of Americans for the Arts.  His local involvement has benefited the Altus Chamber of Commerce, the Shortgrass Arts and Humanities Council and the JCMH Health Care Corporation. He was inducted into the Oklahoma Heritage Hall of Fame 2009 and has been honored by the Oklahoma Education Association for outstanding service for public education and received the Governor’s Arts Award in 1994 and 2000. He was the recipient of the 2001 Business in Arts Leadership Award by the Business Committee for a Arts, Inc., and Forbes Magazine. He and NBC have been responsible for six pieces of public art, all of which has been used to raise money for charitable and school organizations. Mr. Fergeson continues to search for ways to give back to his community, state, nation, and profession. He and his wife, Mary Ann, are the parents of a son, Jarrod and a daughter, Casey.